The Advanced Scale Computing ecosystem is the fundamental engine for improving our quality of life on this planet. TCI Media, home of the Wire publications, contributes to this dynamic by unifying the IT communities that we serve. Our publications broadly cover the fastest systems in the world and the people who run them.

We cover the convergence of Advanced Scale Computing technologies — today and in the future — through our four publications: HPCwire, BigDATAwire, AIwire, and QCwire. 

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With timely news, analysis, and events, we inform, influence, unify, and strengthen the IT communities we serve.


By facilitating communication at the leading edge of computing innovation, we accelerate adoption and utilization of advanced scale technologies.


Courage, Integrity, Honesty, Intelligence, Drive, Diversity, Collaboration, Communication, Compassion, and Fun


With timely news, analysis, and events, we inform, influence, unify, and strengthen the IT communities we serve.


By facilitating communication at the leading edge of computing innovation, we accelerate adoption and utilization of advanced scale technologies.


Courage, Integrity, Honesty, Intelligence, Drive, Diversity, Collaboration, Communication, Compassion, and Fun

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